
Showing posts from January, 2023

Chapter 2 of The Connected Educator

        Technology and the internet have enabled people all over the world to have access to information at the click of a button.  Not only has it been effective in benefiting each of our lives personally, but also has benefits towards the workplace.  The more people an individual is exposed to allows for different perspectives and knowledge.  Technology allows for employees in the business field to have access to others pursuing the same career path around the globe.  The business field is not unique to one area or another, therefore communicating with people from around the world can help teach new information.         The Connected Educator has proposed the importance of connected learning communities for each occupation.  Although the text primarily focuses on the benefits that connected learning communities have on educators, it can be transferred into any other profession.  The importance of gaining new knowledge from people one might not normally communicate with is large.  T

Introduction Video